SvelteKit Lottie Web Player

SvelteKit Lottie Web Player is a lightweight and easy-to-use library for integrating Lottie animations into your SvelteKit applications. This library is SSR (Server-Side Rendering) safe, providing seamless integration with SvelteKit's SSR capabilities. With SvelteKit Lottie Web Player, you can effortlessly add engaging and dynamic animations to your SvelteKit projects.


  • SSR (Server-Side Rendering) safe
  • Easy integration with SvelteKit projects
  • Lightweight and efficient
  • Support for Lottie animations in JSON format
  • Customizable animation playback options


To install SvelteKit Lottie Web Player, use your preferred package manager:

npm install lottie-player-svelte
# or
yarn add lottie-player-svelte
# or
pnpm install lottie-player-svelte


  1. Import the LottieSvelte component into your SvelteKit component:
import { LottieSvelte } from 'lottie-svelte';
  1. Use the LottieSvelte component in your SvelteKit template, providing the path to your Lottie animation file:
<!-- external -->
<LottiePlayer src="/path/to/your/animation.json" />

<!-- imported src -->
import MyLottieJSON from "$lib/assets/my-lottie.json"
  1. Customize the animation playback options using component props:
  1. Controls the animation by binding this ```svelte

    <LottieSvelte ... bind:this={lottieSvelte} />

    # Props
    - `src` (String | Object, required): The path to the Lottie animation JSON file.
    - `autoplay` (Boolean, optional, default: `true`): Whether the animation should start playing automatically.
    - `background` (String, optional, default: `"transparent"`): Background color of the player container.
    - `controls` (Boolean, optional, default: `false`): Whether to display playback controls.
    - `count` (Number | undefined, optional, default: `undefined`): Number of times to play the animation (overrides loop).
    - `description` (String, optional, default: `"Lottie animation"`): Description of the animation for accessibility.
    - `direction` (1 | -1, optional, default: `1`): Direction of the animation playback (1 for forward, -1 for backward).
    - `disableCheck` (Boolean, optional, default: `false`): Whether to disable the animation size check.
    - `disableShadowDOM` (Boolean, optional, default: `false`): Whether to disable the Shadow DOM.
    - `hover` (Boolean, optional, default: `false`): Whether to pause the animation on hover.
    - `intermission` (Number, optional, default: `1`): Delay in milliseconds before the animation starts.
    - `loop` (Boolean, optional, default: `false`): Whether the animation should loop.
    - `mode` (`PlayMode`, optional, default: `PlayMode.Normal`): Playback mode of the animation.
    - `preserveAspectRatio` (String, optional, default: `"xMidYMid meet"`): Aspect ratio preservation for the animation.
    - `renderer` ("svg", optional, default: `"svg"`): Renderer type for the animation.
    - `viewBoxSize` (String | undefined, optional, default: `undefined`): Size of the viewBox for the animation.
    - `speed` (Number, optional, default: `1`): The playback speed of the animation.
    - `webworkers` (Boolean, optional, default: `false`): Whether to use web workers for rendering.
    - `containerClass` (String, optional, default: `""`): Custom CSS class for the player container.
    - `animationClass` (String, optional, default: `""`): Custom CSS class for the animation element.
    # Methods
    - `getLottie: () => any;`
    - `play: () => void;`
    - `pause: () => void;`
    - `stop: () => void;`
    - `seek: (value: number | string) => void;`
    - `snapshot: (download: boolean) => string | void;`
    - `setSpeed: (value: number) => void;`
    - `setDirection: (value: AnimationDirection) => void;`
    - `setLooping: (value: boolean) => void;`
    - `togglePlay: () => void;`
    - `toggleLooping: () => void;`
    - `resize: () => void;`
    # Emitted Events
    export enum PlayerEvents {
        Complete = "complete",
        Destroyed = "destroyed",
        Error = "error",
        Frame = "frame",
        Freeze = "freeze",
        Load = "load",
        Loop = "loop",
        Pause = "pause",
        Play = "play",
        Ready = "ready",
        Rendered = "rendered",
        Stop = "stop",


    Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


    This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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