svelte-tailwind-widgets Svelte Themes

Svelte Tailwind Widgets

Reusable Svelte components

Svelte Tailwind Widgets

This repository contains reusable Svelte components that are styled using the utility-first CSS framework tailwind. In order to utilize these components, you have to use Snel which brings the Deno import system to Svelte.

Component Listing


The Spinner component can be used to implement a nice loading animation

Usage Example:

You can also add a descriptive text to the spinner.

<script lang="ts">
  import Spinner from '';
  $: isLoading = true

{#if isLoading}
  <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center">
      <p class="p-5">Loading...</p>
<div class:hidden={isLoading}>
  <p>This paragraph is only visible if the Spinner is not loading</p>

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