Coffee Notebook

A lightweight, full-stack app allowing me to create, update and delete espresso recipes. I use this app locally to store bean brands and their dialed in recipes.

This is a sample image of the webpage:


The frontend uses Svelte and AstroJS to make building static sites a breeze.


The backend serves the static files using Axum and stores the recipes in a simple JSON file (a database would be overkill).


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Enter the coffee-notebook/ folder, and run ./ to build the static Astro files.
  3. In the same directory, run docker build -t coffee_notebook . to build the docker image.
  4. Run docker images, and confirm you see a coffee_notebook image.
  5. Run docker run -d -p PORT:3000 --name coffee_notebook_instance coffee_notebook, changing PORT with your desired out-facing port.
  6. Access the webpage to confirm it's running!

    Note: At the moment, no backups of the coffee.json file are produced.
    If you would like to access the coffee.json file to save your recipes elsewhere, run (sudo) docker exec -it INSTANCE_NAME /bin/bash and then cat coffee.json. This will output the JSON file contents. If you spin up a new instance and already have the JSON file, you can just echo JSON_CONTENTS > coffee.json to load the recipes into the backend.

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