svelte-complete Svelte Themes

Svelte Complete

A super simple autocomplete library for svelte that supports RTL

Svelte Complete

A simple autocomplete component for Svelte that fully supports RTL.

🔧 Installation

Work in progress.

❓ Usage

Minimalist Example

    import Autocomplete from "svelte-complete";

    let items = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];
    let value;

<Autocomplete {items} bind:value="{value}" />

Component Properties

Property Name Type Description Default Value
displayField string When providing an object array displayField will be used to determine which field in the object will be displayed in the suggestions list Empty string
highlightCharacters "matched", or "unmatched" Will highlight the matching/non matching characters based on the input "matched"
item string[], or object[] The list of items to be used by the autocomplete Empty array
noResultsMessage string The message to be displayed when no item matches the given input "No results found"
setItemsOnFocus () => Promise<any[]> A lambda that allows for setting the item array when the autocomplete component is focused instead of when it is instantiated Returns an empty array
sort "ascend", "descend", or ((a: any, b: any) => number) The sorting algorithm for the given items array, descend and ascend sorts only apply to a string array, for an objects array provide your own implementation "ascend"
textDirection "auto", "ltr", or "rtl" Use this property if you want to use the autocomplete in RTL mode, not required if parent's dir is set to "rtl" "auto"
value string The currently selected value Empty string

Component CSS Variables

CSS Variable Name Description Default Value
--autocomplete-active-suggestion-background-color Sets background color for an active/hovered suggestion rgb(115 115 115 / 0.2)
--autocomplete-container-height Sets the height for the autocomplete component fit-content
--autocomplete-container-width Sets the width for the autocomplete component fit-content
--autocomplete-input-background-color Sets the background color for the autocomplete input rgb(250 250 250)
--autocomplete-input-border-color Sets the border color for the autocomplete input rgb(115 115 115)
--autocomplete-input-border-width Sets the border width for the autocomplete input 1px
--autocomplete-input-icon-color Sets the color for the icon in the input box var(--autocomplete-text-color)
--autocomplete-input-width Sets the width for the input box 100%
--autocomplete-input-x-padding Sets the x axis padding for the input box 0.5rem
--autocomplete-input-y-padding Sets the y axis padding for the input box 0.5rem
--autocomplete-no-results-text--color Sets the text color for the no results message rgb(64 64 64)
--autocomplete-suggestion-text-color Sets the text color for a suggestion var(--autocomplete-text-color)
--autocomplete-suggestions-list-background-color Sets the background color for the suggestions list rgb(250 250 250)
--autocomplete-suggestions-list-z-index Sets the z-index for the suggestions list 10
--autocomplete-text-color Sets the general text color for the autocomplete container rgb(23 23 23)

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