Svelte model viewer

This is a model viewer web component made with Svelte, Typescript and Three.js


npm install --save @meshhouse/model-viewer


Currently loads only GLTF files (as more web-oriented format):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1'>
    <title>Svelte app</title>
  <script defer src='/build/bundle.js'></script>
    model-viewer:not(:defined) {
      opacity: 0;

  <model-viewer model="link-here.gltf" modeltitle="Boom box" author="Khronos Group" style="height: 600px;">
    <span slot="logo">Model viewer 1.0.0</span>

Usage in frameworks

In React

In Vue.js

In Angular


model - URL to GLTF model, required

hdri - URL to HDR environment texture

modeltitle - model title

author - model author

authorlink - author link (to portfolio, etc.)

resizable - watch for viewer resize events, default is true

autohide - hide viewer UI after 5 seconds, default is false

skycolor - scene "sky" color, default is #dbeeff

groundcolor - scene ground color, default is #597a9c

thumbnail - loader background image


loader - Loading text

error - error screen

logo - you can set custom logo or text in left bottom corner

material-button - change material button icon

rotate-button - auto-rotate camera button icon

fullscreen-button - fullscreen button icon

CSS Variables

--theme-font - text font, default is system-stack

--theme-color - main theme color (buttons background, dropdown selected item), default is #00b16a

--theme-color-active - main theme color, active state, default is #007e4b

--viewer-background - loader background color, default is #333333

--viewer-background-error - error screen background, default is #96281b


Default button icons are made by Freepik from This component are licensed by MIT license.

Top categories

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