A Svelte.js integration for Typed.js.
Typed.js is a library that types. Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set, backspace what it's typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you've set.
Checkout the offical project here.
Demo: https://svelte.dev/repl/823ca24caab143a6896f22fb853a83d0?version=3
npm install --save svelte-typed-js
Minimal setup:
import SvelteTypedJs from 'svelte-typed-js'
<SvelteTypedJs strings={['First text', 'Second Text']} loop=true>
<h2 class="typing"></h2>
The typing
class also allows you to just animate certain parts of a string:
<SvelteTypedJs :strings="['Melih', 'Altintas']">
<h1>Hey <span class="typing"></span></h1>
You can make use of the following properties in order to customize your typing expirience:
Property | Type | Description |
strings | Array | strings to be typed |
stringsElement | String | ID of element containing string children |
typeSpeed | Number | type speed in milliseconds |
startDelay | Number | time before typing starts in milliseconds |
backSpeed | Number | backspacing speed in milliseconds |
smartBackspace | Boolean | only backspace what doesn't match the previous string |
shuffle | Boolean | shuffle the strings |
backDelay | Number | time before backspacing in milliseconds |
fadeOut | Boolean | Fade out instead of backspace |
fadeOutClass | String | css class for fade animation |
fadeOutDelay | Number | fade out delay in milliseconds |
loop | Boolean | loop strings |
loopCount | Number | amount of loops |
showCursor | Boolean | show cursor |
cursorChar | String | character for cursor |
autoInsertCss | Boolean | insert CSS for cursor and fadeOut into HTML |
attr | String | attribute for typing Ex: input placeholder, value, or just HTML text |
bindInputFocusEvents | Boolean | bind to focus and blur if el is text input |
contentType | String | 'html' or 'null' for plaintext |