sveltekit-artisan-cli Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Artisan Cli

A CLI tool for SvelteKit, akin to Laravel's Artisan

SvelteKit Artisan CLI Tool

Table of Contents


The SvelteKit Artisan CLI Tool is a powerful command-line interface designed to streamline the creation of Svelte components, pages, and layouts within your SvelteKit projects. It automates boilerplate setup, ensures consistency, and enhances your development workflow by providing flexible options tailored to your project's configuration.


  • Create Svelte Components: Quickly generate new Svelte components with support for nested directories.
  • Create SvelteKit Pages and Layouts: Automate the creation of +page.svelte, +page.ts/js, +page.server.ts/js, +layout.svelte, +layout.ts/js, and +layout.server.ts/js files based on your project's TypeScript configuration.
  • TypeScript and JavaScript Support: Automatically detect if your project uses TypeScript and create appropriate script files. Alternatively, specify which scripts to create using flags.
  • Prevent Overwriting: Safeguard existing files by avoiding overwriting them. If a file already exists, it will be skipped, and a message will inform you.
  • Color-Coded Terminal Output: Enhanced user experience with colored messages indicating success, warnings, and errors.



  • Bun: Ensure you have Bun installed as your JavaScript runtime.
  • Git: For cloning the repository (if applicable).


1. Clone the Repository

Clone the CLI tool repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd sveltekit-cli

2. Install Dependencies

The CLI tool uses Commander for command parsing and Chalk for terminal coloring.

Install dependencies using Bun:

bun install

3. Compile the Script to an Executable

To use the CLI tool as a system-wide executable, you need to compile it into a native executable using Bun's compiler. Follow these steps:

a. Run the Compile Command

The project includes a compile script in package.json that uses Bun to compile the CLI tool into an executable.

bun run compile

This command will generate an executable named sv-atrisan in the ./build directory.

[!IMPORTANT] Important: Ensure that the compile script is correctly defined in your package.json. If not, add the following script:

"scripts": {
  "compile": "bun build ./index.ts --compile --minify --sourcemap --outfile ./build/sv-artisan"
b. Move the Executable to a Directory in Your PATH or Create a New Directory

To make the sv-atrisan command accessible from anywhere in your terminal, you can either move it to a directory that's already included in your system's PATH or create a new directory and add it to the PATH.

[!TIP] Tip: Choose a directory that's already in your PATH to avoid modifying environment variables.

  • For macOS/Linux:

    1. Move to an Existing Directory in PATH:

      mv ./build/sv-atrisan /usr/local/bin/
    2. Or Create a New Directory and Add to PATH:

      mkdir -p $HOME/bin
      mv ./build/sv-atrisan $HOME/bin/
      echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc
      source $HOME/.bashrc
  • For Windows:

    1. Locate the Executable:

      The compiled executable sv-atrisan.exe will be located in the ./build directory.

    2. Move to an Existing Directory in PATH:

      Move sv-atrisan.exe to a directory like C:\Windows\System32\.

    3. Or Create a New Directory and Add to PATH:

      • Create a new directory, for example, C:\Program Files\sv-atrisan\.
      • Move sv-atrisan.exe to the new directory.
      New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Program Files\sv-atrisan"
      Move-Item -Path ".\build\sv-atrisan.exe" -Destination "C:\Program Files\sv-atrisan\"
    4. Add the Directory to PATH:

      [!IMPORTANT] Important: Adding directories to your system's PATH allows you to run executables from any location in the terminal.

      • Press Win + X and select System.
      • Click on Advanced system settings.
      • Click on Environment Variables.
      • Under System variables, find and select Path, then click Edit.
      • Click New and add the path to the directory containing sv-atrisan.exe (e.g., C:\Program Files\sv-atrisan\).
      • Click OK to save changes.
c. Verify the Installation

After moving the executable or updating your PATH, verify that the CLI tool is accessible by running:

sv-atrisan --help

Expected Output:

Usage: sv-atrisan [options] [command]

  -h, --help         display help for command

  create:component <name>  Create a new Svelte component, using `/` or `.` notation for nested folders
  create:page [name]       Create a new SvelteKit page, using `/` or `.` notation for nested folders, or directly in `src/routes` if no name is provided
  create:layout [name]     Create a new SvelteKit layout, using `/` or `.` notation for nested folders, or directly in `src/routes` if no name is provided
  help                     Display help information

[!WARNING] Warning: If you encounter a "command not found" error after moving the executable, ensure that the directory is correctly added to your PATH and that you've restarted your terminal session.


You can use the CLI tool to create components, pages, and layouts in your SvelteKit project. The commands support nested folder structures using / or . notation. Additionally, the tool respects your project's TypeScript configuration and provides options to create main and server script files.

General Syntax

sv-atrisan <command> [name] [options]

Note: If you haven't moved the executable to your PATH, you can run the CLI tool using bun index.ts <command> [name] [options].

Creating a Svelte Component

Generate a new Svelte component. Supports nested directories using / or ..


sv-atrisan create:component <name>


  • <name>: Name of the component. Use / or . to denote nested folders.


sv-atrisan create:component Button

This creates src/lib/components/Button.svelte.

For nested components:

sv-atrisan create:component ui/Button

Creates src/lib/components/ui/Button.svelte.

Sample Output:

Component "Button" created at /path/to/project/src/lib/components/Button.svelte

Creating a SvelteKit Page

Generate a new SvelteKit page with optional script files. The command can create +page.svelte, +page.ts/js, and +page.server.ts/js based on flags and project configuration.


sv-atrisan create:page [name] [options]


  • [name] (optional): Name of the page. If omitted, the files are created directly in src/routes.


  • -s, --script: Create the main script file (+page.ts or +page.js).
  • -ss, --server: Create the server script file (+page.server.ts or +page.server.js).


  • If tsconfig.json exists in the project root, .ts files are created; otherwise, .js files are used.
  • The --script and --server flags control the creation of respective script files independently.


  1. Create a Page Without Any Script Files

    sv-atrisan create:page


    • Creates src/routes/+page.svelte if it doesn't already exist.
  2. Create a Page with Main Script File Only

    sv-atrisan create:page about --script


    • Creates src/routes/about/+page.svelte if it doesn't exist.
    • Creates src/routes/about/+page.ts or +page.js based on project configuration.
  3. Create a Page with Server Script File Only

    sv-atrisan create:page contact --server


    • Creates src/routes/contact/+page.svelte if it doesn't exist.
    • Creates src/routes/contact/+page.server.ts or +page.server.js based on project configuration.
  4. Create a Page with Both Main and Server Script Files

    sv-atrisan create:page products --script --server


    • Creates src/routes/products/+page.svelte if it doesn't exist.
    • Creates src/routes/products/+page.ts or +page.js.
    • Creates src/routes/products/+page.server.ts or +page.server.js.

Sample Output:

āžœ sv-atrisan create:page products -s -ss
Page "products" created at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.svelte
Script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.ts
Server script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.server.ts

If files already exist:

āžœ sv-atrisan create:page products -s -ss
Page "products" already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.svelte. Skipping.
Script file already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.ts. Skipping.
Server script file already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.server.ts. Skipping.

[!CAUTION] Caution: The CLI tool does not overwrite existing files. If a file already exists, it will be skipped to prevent accidental data loss.

Creating a SvelteKit Layout

Generate a new SvelteKit layout with optional script files. The command can create +layout.svelte, +layout.ts/js, and +layout.server.ts/js based on flags and project configuration.


sv-atrisan create:layout [name] [options]


  • [name] (optional): Name of the layout. If omitted, the files are created directly in src/routes.


  • -s, --script: Create the main script file (+layout.ts or +layout.js).
  • -ss, --server: Create the server script file (+layout.server.ts or +layout.server.js).


  • If tsconfig.json exists in the project root, .ts files are created; otherwise, .js files are used.
  • The --script and --server flags control the creation of respective script files independently.


  1. Create a Layout Without Any Script Files

    sv-atrisan create:layout


    • Creates src/routes/+layout.svelte if it doesn't already exist.
  2. Create a Layout with Main Script File Only

    sv-atrisan create:layout admin --script


    • Creates src/routes/admin/+layout.svelte if it doesn't exist.
    • Creates src/routes/admin/+layout.ts or +layout.js based on project configuration.
  3. Create a Layout with Server Script File Only

    sv-atrisan create:layout admin --server


    • Creates src/routes/admin/+layout.svelte if it doesn't exist.
    • Creates src/routes/admin/+layout.server.ts or +layout.server.js based on project configuration.
  4. Create a Layout with Both Main and Server Script Files

    sv-atrisan create:layout dashboard --script --server


    • Creates src/routes/dashboard/+layout.svelte if it doesn't exist.
    • Creates src/routes/dashboard/+layout.ts or +layout.js.
    • Creates src/routes/dashboard/+layout.server.ts or +layout.server.js.

Sample Output:

āžœ sv-atrisan create:layout admin -s -ss
Layout "admin" created at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.svelte
Script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.ts
Server script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.server.ts

If files already exist:

āžœ sv-atrisan create:layout admin -s -ss
Layout "admin" already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.svelte. Skipping.
Script file already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.ts. Skipping.
Server script file already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.server.ts. Skipping.

[!IMPORTANT] Important: Always ensure that the directory structure (src/routes/) aligns with your SvelteKit project setup to avoid unexpected behavior.

Help Command

The CLI provides help information for users to understand available commands and options.


sv-atrisan help


Displays help information about available commands and options.

Example Output:

Usage: sv-atrisan [options] [command]

  -h, --help         display help for command

  create:component <name>  Create a new Svelte component, using `/` or `.` notation for nested folders
  create:page [name]       Create a new SvelteKit page, using `/` or `.` notation for nested folders, or directly in `src/routes` if no name is provided
  create:layout [name]     Create a new SvelteKit layout, using `/` or `.` notation for nested folders, or directly in `src/routes` if no name is provided
  help                     Display help information


Creating a Page and Handling Existing Files

  1. Create a Page with Script Files

    sv-atrisan create:page products -s


    Page "products" created at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.svelte
    Script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.ts
  2. Create the Server Script File for the Same Page

    sv-atrisan create:page products -ss


    Page "products" already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.svelte. Skipping.
    Server script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.server.ts
  3. Attempting to Create an Existing Server Script

    sv-atrisan create:page products -ss


    Page "products" already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.svelte. Skipping.
    Server script file already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/products/+page.server.ts. Skipping.

[!TIP] Tip: Running the same command multiple times won't overwrite existing files, ensuring your previous work remains safe.

Creating a Layout

  1. Create a Layout with Script Files

    sv-atrisan create:layout admin -s -ss


    Layout "admin" created at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.svelte
    Script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.ts
    Server script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.server.ts
  2. Attempt to Recreate an Existing Layout

    sv-atrisan create:layout admin -s -ss


    Layout "admin" already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.svelte. Skipping.
    Script file already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.ts. Skipping.
    Server script file already exists at /path/to/project/src/routes/admin/+layout.server.ts. Skipping.

[!WARNING] Warning: Attempting to overwrite existing files without proper flags can lead to data loss. Always check the output messages to ensure your files are safe.

Creating a Nested Component

sv-atrisan create:component ui/buttons/PrimaryButton


Component "ui/buttons/PrimaryButton" created at /path/to/project/src/lib/components/ui/buttons/PrimaryButton.svelte

[!IMPORTANT] Important: Use / or . to create nested directories, enhancing your project's organization and maintainability.

Creating a Nested Page with Scripts

sv-atrisan create:page dashboard/analytics --script --server


Page "dashboard/analytics" created at /path/to/project/src/routes/dashboard/analytics/+page.svelte
Script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/dashboard/analytics/+page.ts
Server script file created at /path/to/project/src/routes/dashboard/analytics/+page.server.ts


  • File Overwriting: The CLI tool does not overwrite existing files. If a file already exists, it will be skipped, and a warning message will inform you. This ensures that your existing work remains intact.

    [!CAUTION] Caution: While the tool prevents overwriting, always ensure that critical files are backed up or version-controlled to avoid accidental data loss.

  • Terminal Coloring: Success messages are displayed in green, warnings in yellow, and error messages in red for enhanced readability and user experience.

  • Nested Directories: Use / or . in the component, page, or layout names to create nested folders.


    sv-atrisan create:component ui/buttons/PrimaryButton

    This creates src/lib/components/ui/buttons/PrimaryButton.svelte.

  • TypeScript Detection: The tool automatically detects if your project uses TypeScript by checking for a tsconfig.json file in the root directory. It creates .ts files accordingly. If no TypeScript configuration is found, .js files are created.

  • Default Creation: If no name is provided to create:page or create:layout, the files are created in the src/routes directory with default names:

    • create:page creates +page.svelte.
    • create:layout creates +layout.svelte.
  • Custom Script and Server Script Flags:

    • --script (-s): Creates the main script file (+page.ts/js or +layout.ts/js).
    • --server (-ss): Creates the server script file (+page.server.ts/js or +layout.server.ts/js).
    • These flags can be used independently or together to create only the desired files.
  • Windows Path Handling: The CLI tool is compatible with Windows. Ensure that you use the appropriate path separators (/ or .) when specifying nested names.

[!TIP] Tip: Always verify the output paths to ensure that files are being created in the intended directories, especially when working with nested structures.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or enhancements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Steps to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository

    Click the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of the repository page.

  2. Clone Your Fork

    git clone
    cd sveltekit-cli
  3. Install Dependencies

    bun install
  4. Create a New Branch

    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  5. Make Your Changes

    Implement your feature or fix.

  6. Commit Your Changes

    git commit -m "Add feature: your feature description"
  7. Push to Your Fork

    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  8. Create a Pull Request

    Go to the original repository and create a pull request from your fork.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Happy coding with your SvelteKit projects! šŸš€

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