tauri-sveltekit-capacitor-template Svelte Themes

Tauri Sveltekit Capacitor Template


This is a project template for Tauri + Sveltekit + CapacitorJS.


To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:

#Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Maxensimon/tauri-sveltekit-capacitor-template.git
# Go into the repository
cd tauri-sveltekit-capacitor-template
# Install dependencies
npm install

After you've installed all dependencies, you need to modify the capacitor.config.ts file to enter your app_name and your app_id.

You can also change the address to your local IPv4 if the automatic detection didn't work.

import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';
import os from 'os';

const isDev = true; //Change to false for production

let config: CapacitorConfig;

const baseConfig: CapacitorConfig = {
    appId: '', //Put your app_id before adding, example : com.example.myApp
    appName: '', //Put your app_name before adding, example : My App
    webDir: 'build',
    bundledWebRuntime: false

switch (isDev) {
    case true:
        const interfaces = os.networkInterfaces();

        let address = '';

        Object.keys(interfaces).forEach((interfaceName) => {
            const addresses = interfaces[interfaceName];
            if (!addresses) return;
            addresses.forEach((addressInfo) => {
                if (addressInfo.family === 'IPv4' && !addressInfo.internal) {
                    address = addressInfo.address;

        config = {
            server: {
                url: `http://${address}:5173/`, //Change here if needed but keep the 5173 port.
                cleartext: true
        config = { ...baseConfig };

export default config;

Then, you need to generate the capacitor's android folder and ios folder.

#Generate the capacitor's android folder
npm run init:android
#Generate the capacitor's ios folder
npm run init:ios


Don't forget to put isDev to true in the capacitor.config.ts file.

npm run dev:web 
npm run dev:pc
#Android, you need to have an instance of a dev:web in another terminal to be connected to the Ipv4
npm run dev:android 
#IOS, you need to have an instance of a dev:web in another terminal to be connected to the Ipv4
npm run dev:ios 


Don't forget to put isDev to false in the capacitor.config.ts file.

npm run build:web
npm run build:pc
npm run build:android
npm run build:ios

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