sveltekit-jsonserver-crud Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Jsonserver Crud




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Pico CSS

The Basics

The official Pico docs are not super clear on how to use it with SvelteKit. Here are the steps I took:

  1. Install Pico via npm:
npm i @picocss/pico
  1. Add the main Pico stylesheet to +layout.svelte:
// +layout.svelte
<script lang=ts>
    import '@picocss/pico';

<slot />
  1. Now, anytime you want to import another Pico stylesheet, you can do it in the +layout.svelte file via @picocss.
  • @picocss is actually just the name of the folder in node_modules
  • For example, the Pico docs here show how to change the theme color by importing a stylesheet via a normal link tag. But in SvelteKit, we instead do it in the +layout.svelte.
  • So <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/pico.amber.min.css" /> would instead be the below:
// +layout.svelte
<script lang=ts>
    import '@picocss/pico/css/pico.amber.min.css';

Customising Pico

You may want to customise Pico to get the most out of it (and the official docs actually recommend this - Customization - Sass).

In my case, I needed to adjust the $semantic-root-element SASS variable. This is because Pico automatically applies vertical padding to header, main, and footer elements, but only if they are direct children of the body element.

With SvelteKit, everything is contained in a div inside a body (in app.html), and SvelteKit recommends to keep it this way. This means we need to change the $semantic-root-element to this div. I have applied an id of pico-root to this div in app.html. Then took the following extra steps to override the default value of $semantic-root-element:

  1. Created a new file custom_pico.scss in the src/styles folder with the following:
// Using this file to override Pico's default $semantic-root-element
@use "../../node_modules/@picocss/pico/scss/index" with ($semantic-root-element: "div#pico-root"
  1. Compiled the SCSS to CSS using the command npm run build-css. This is a custom script added to the package.json file.
"scripts": {
    "build-css": "sass src/styles/custom_pico.scss:src/styles/custom_pico.css --style compressed"
  1. Now we can run npm run build-css to compile the SCSS to CSS. This will create a new file in the src/styles folder called custom_pico.css. This file can now be imported into +layout.svelte. This will apply all the default Pico styles BUT will include our customisations. When you compile the scss file there will be a lot of deprecation warnings, but I have not encountered any issues due to these yet.

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