practice__leveluptuts-svelte Svelte Themes

Practice__leveluptuts Svelte

Practice - Svelte

This is a small project practising fundamental Svelte concepts. The result is a small quiz app that gets its data from Open Trivia. The project is based on a tutorial from Level Up Tutorials called "Svelte for beginners".

Technologies used 💻

  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • Svelte

What I learned 👩‍🎓

For me, the main learning opportunities in this project was:

  1. Gaining a deeper understanding of fundamental Svelte concepts.
  2. How to work with reactive statements and variables
  3. Become more familiar with the Svelte templating language

Continued development ✏️

There is a lot of things you could do with this app! 😊 For starters, I have barely focused on styling at all. You could also improve a lot on the quiz itself, perhaps let the visitor choose the amount of questions, set up a scoreboard or even make it a fullstack application with the ability to register as a user or make your own quizzes.

Author 👩‍💻

Matilda Mared

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