Multiple color palettes could be nice, should be really easy to change if i've designed the system correctly.
Should use as default color palette. Think i want to use Tailwind for developing, but it should not be a dependency for using the library.
Don't really wanna be the one to tell others what icons they should use. Using, or maybe just designing the API so that icons should come from somewhere else, sounds appealing.
The documentation page must be stupid simple and fast. Also need to find out what should be shown in the API documentation for every component.
Not sure about this yet... idk if there are components that only need classes to be used, e.g. button or badge. But if this is the case, then two types of styling sheets could be provided:
Begin with components that are most commonly used. Also maybe wait with a11y, because that's a big rabbit hole. My opinionated list of components to start with (in order):
Future (UI)