svelte-redux-devtools Svelte Themes

Svelte Redux Devtools

Allow to track and rewind Svelte stores value with Redux Devtools.

Redux Devtools connector for Svelte

Allow to track and rewind stores value with Redux Devtools.



npm install @macfja/svelte-redux-devtools


<script lang="ts">
import { writable } from "svelte/store"
import { trackStores } from "@macfja/svelte-redux-devtools";
let name = writable("John");
let age = writable(33)

trackStores({ name, age }, { prefix: 'app', hasOneState: true })


<h1>Hello {$name}!</h1>

<input bind:value={$name} />
<input bind:value={$age} type="range" min={0} max={120} />


Contributions are welcome. Please open up an issue or create PR if you would like to help out.

Read more in the Contributing file


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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