A Svelte that can be requested to update itself
npm install @macfja/svelte-invalidable
The idea behind this store is to provide a way to make a store to refresh it's base on an external event.
For example your store contains data that are dependent on an external API. Instead of creating a logic outside your store to update it, this store to just say "your data is not up-to-date, go get the new data"
import { invalidable } from "@macfja/svelte-invalidable"
import { writable } from "svelte/store"
let name = invalidable(writable("John"), () => {
// your custom logic here
return "the new value that you compute just before"
import { pinvalidable } from "@macfja/svelte-invalidable"
import { writable } from "svelte/store"
let name = pinvalidable(writable("John"), () => {
// your custom logic here
// your should return a Promise (for example from a fetch)
// The store will only be updated when the promise is revolved
return new Promise(resolve => {resolve("Doe")})
import { invalidate, invalidable, pinvalidable } from "@macfja/svelte-invalidable"
import { writable } from "svelte/store"
let time = pinvalidable(writable("Never"), () => {
return fetch("https://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Etc/UTC")
.then(r => r.json())
.then(r => r.datetime)
const updateTime = () => {
const updating = time.isUpdating
const values = [2, 7, 3, 5, 11, 13]
let position = 0
let data = invalidable(writable(2), () => values[(++position)%6])
<p>The last time the date was refresh is: {$time} {#if $updating}(Updating...){/if}</p>
<button id="date-btn" on:click={updateTime}>Do it now</button>
<hr />
<var on:click={() => invalidate(data)}>prime number: {$data}</var>
import {pinvalidable} from "@macfja/svelte-invalidable"
import { writable, derived } from "svelte/store"
let quantity = 1
let price = pinvalidable(writable(10), () => {
// Simulate long calculation + network access
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(Math.round(quantity * 10 * 0.8)), 1000))
let discount = derived([price], ([finalPrice]) => {
return (10 * quantity) - finalPrice
const increase = () => {
$price = quantity * 10
// Indicate that the price should be recalculated
<h2>Shopping cart</h2>
<li>Product #1553879</li>
<li>Unit Price: 10¤</li>
<li>Quantity {quantity} <button id="increase-qty" on:click={increase}>+</button></li>
<dd id="subtotal">{10 * quantity}¤</dd>
<dd id="total">{$price}¤ ({$discount}¤ of discount)</dd>
Contributions are welcome. Please open up an issue or create PR if you would like to help out.
Read more in the Contributing file
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.