svelte-hvac-portfolio Svelte Themes

Svelte Hvac Portfolio

A modern and responsive web application built with Svelte, Tailwind CSS, and Splide.js to showcase the services and expertise of an HVAC company.

Svelte HVAC Portfolio

A modern and responsive web application built with Svelte, Tailwind CSS, and Splide.js to showcase the services and expertise of an HVAC company.

VS Code + Svelte.


  • Svelte: Offers a performant and component-based architecture for a smooth user experience and efficient code organization.
  • Vite: Provides a blazing-fast development server and build tool, streamlining the development process and generating optimized production files.
  • Tailwind CSS: Simplifies styling with utility classes, enabling rapid and responsive website design.
  • Splide.js: Enhances user engagement with swiping animations for images.

Getting Started:


Clone the Repository:

  • HTTPS:

    git clone
  • GitHub CLI:

    gh repo clone Lusanco/svelte-hvac-portfolio

Install Dependencies:

cd svelte-hvac-portfolio
npm install


Start the Development Server:

npm run dev

This will open your web browser in localhost by default.

Make Changes:

Edit the Svelte components and Tailwind CSS class names within the src directory to customize the website's content and appearance.

Hot Module Replacement (HMR):

Vite provides HMR, which automatically refreshes the browser with your changes without restarting the server.

Building for Production:

Create an Optimized Build:

npm run build

This generates production-ready HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files in the dist directory.


  • Deploy the contents of the dist directory to your preferred web hosting platform.
  • Refer to your hosting provider's documentation or community resources for setting up routing for your web application (e.g., configuring .htaccess for Apache servers).


  • The src/App.svelte file is the primary component. Edit it to update content and layout.
  • Customize Tailwind CSS in tailwind.config.js.
  • Configure Vite in vite.config.js.

Project Status and Public Content:

  • Deployed Website: This project was released and deployed for a real client at Hostgator under the domain name/URL
  • Content Ownership: All content, including text, translations, images, and the primary color (company logo color code), was provided by the company and remains their property.
  • Public Content Authorization: We hold explicit authorization from the client to showcase this repository, its code, publicly accessible company content (provided and agreed upon), and images and/or videos relating to the current state of the project.
  • Visual Disparity: If the code in this repository diverges significantly from the deployed version's visual design, the public URL will be removed to maintain consistency and avoid misrepresentation.


This project is licensed under the Svelte HVAC Portfolio Client License. Please review the LICENSE file for more information.

Additional Notes:

  • The included PDFs in the public/pdfs directory are for reference only and may not fully reflect the current state of the web application due to potential rendering artifacts (e.g., horizontal bars from page divisions). These PDFs serve as a visual timeline of the project.
  • For the most accurate and interactive representation, please visit the deployed website at

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