kattilakioski Svelte Themes


Self-hosted marketplace for medium sized communities


Quick readme

Deploying in Linux environment

Docker and Docker compose required.

Adapt docker-compose.example.yml to your liking and rename it to docker-compose.yml. Then launch server stack with docker compose up.


Get up and running right away, without installing or configuring much locally, with Development Containers. Install Docker, Docker Compose and VSCode. In VSCode, install VSCode Dev Containers extension and open this directory. A notification popup should ask if you want to reopen the project inside a container.

The development container has Rust tooling, Yarn along with Npm, and PostgreSQL cli installed. Here are a few choise commands to execute inside vscode's terminal:

  • cargo run - run backend
  • yarn install - install frontend dependencies
  • yarn prepare - build themes
  • yarn dev - run frontend development server
  • psql postgres://postgres:mysecretpassword@postgres -c "UPDATE users SET is_admin = true WHERE username = 'yourusername';" - promote your user to admin

Debug backend and frontend ( even at the same time! ) from vscode's debug side bar. Debug backend tests by first starting backend debugging session, then starting backend tests debugging session.

Hardcore Development

If you want to get all this running locally without containers: take a look how services in docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.production.yml and .env are configured, and how deploy.sh invokes them. Install things as they are required. May the search engine be with you.

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