Svelte Formatter

  • In settings.json,
    "[svelte]": {
      "editor.defaultFormatter": "svelte.svelte-vscode"

Input HTML inside

  • User can enter html code
  • (not recommended) encourages Cross-Site Scripting attacks (XSS).
  <div class="description">
    <p>{@html description}</p>

Styling a class conditionally (ternary operator)

  • 2 Methods:
    <div class="{userImage ? 'thumb' : 'thumb thumb-placeholder'}">
      <img src="{userImage}" alt={userName}/>
    <div class="thumb" class:thumb-placeholder="{!userImage}">
      <img src="{userImage}" alt={userName}/>

Disable Cors

  • Mac
open -n -a /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev_test" --disable-web-security
  • Windows
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --user-data-dir=~/chromeTemp

Check Chrome Version


Svelte dev server stuck on an old version

  • Open Dev Tools -> Network Tab --> Disable cache

What is Svelte

  • Svelte is a Compiler, not a Framework (React, Vue, Angular).
  • Translates instructions into efficient runtime code at build time.

How does Svelte work?

how does svelte work

Two Directional Flow

  • value data flow into the input
  • on:input data flow out of the input
<input type="text" value="{name}" on:input="{nameInput}" >

If statements

{#if formState === "done"}
<ContactCard userName={name} jobTitle={title} {description} userImage={image} />
{#if formState === "invalid"}
<p>Invalid Input</p>

else if

{#if formState === "done"}
<ContactCard userName={name} jobTitle={title} {description} userImage={image} />
{:else if formState === "invalid"}
<p>Invalid Input</p>
<p>Some other issue</p>


  • createdContacts is an array
  • The code below adds the latest javascript object into the last element of the new array createdContacts
    createdContacts = [...createdContacts,
      name: name,
      jobTitle: title,
      imageURL: image,
      desc: description
{#each createdContacts as contact}
userImage={contact.imageURL} />

Adding an index in each

{#each createdContacts as contact, index}
<h2># {index + 1}</h2>
userImage={contact.imageURL} />
  <p>Please start adding some contacts, we found none!</p>

Deleting cards

  function deleteFirst() {
    createdContacts = createdContacts.slice(1)

  function deleteLast() {
    createdContacts = createdContacts.slice(0, -1)

Adding an id to each

  • id must be unique. ```svelte

{#each createdContacts as contact, index (}

# {index + 1}


Please start adding some contacts, we found none!

{/each} ```

Reacting to clicks on items

  • on:click="{() => clickHandlerFunc(yourArgument)}"
  • on:click="{() => clickHandlerFunc.bind(this, yourArgument)}"
    {#each passwords as pw, i}
      <li on:click={removePassword.bind(this, i)}>{pw}</li>
  • To remove an item from a list, can use the filter() method on the existing array to filter out (=remove) an element with a specific index.
    • filter(function(element, index, array))
    • index is the index of the current element being processed in the array.
    function removePassword(index) {
      passwords = passwords.filter((pw, idx) => {
        return idx !== index;
  • adding an index in the each statement increases the performance.

Event Identifier

  • only allow the button to be used once

  • <button on:click|once={addContact} >Add Contact Card</button>

  • improves scrolling performance

  • <button on:click|passive={addContact} >Add Contact Card</button>

  • stops event propagation

  • <button on:click|stopPropagation={addContact} >Add Contact Card</button>

  • <button on:click|preventDefault={addContact} >Add Contact Card</button>

    • used in
    • prevent browser default refresh

Inline functions

<button on:click="{(event) => {createdContacts = createdContacts.slice()}}">Delete First</button>

Component Types

  • Stateful components, containers

    • Hold & manage data, pass data around
    • , ,
    • Only a few
  • Presentational Components

    • Receive & Output data
    • , ,
    • Many

Top categories

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