
A wrapper around MathQuill, a very intuitive math typing editor

npm i -D svelte-mathquill


Add this to your +layout.svelte or any wrapper file where you use MathQuill:

    import { MathQuillSetup } from 'svelte-mathquill';

<MathQuillSetup />

This injects jQuery and MathQuill (+ styles) into the head of the document, to begin using MathQuill in your components.

Simple example:

<script lang="ts">
    import { MathQuill } from 'svelte-mathquill';

    let latex = '';

<MathQuill bind:latex="{latex}" />
<br />
<input bind:value="{latex}" />



autofocus: boolean - if the element should focus on mount

latex: string (bindable & updates) - the content of the element

noBorderOutline: boolean - if styling should be applied to remove borders / outlines. Only use if you have a wrapper that's styled (outlines help accessibility!)

class: string - classes to apply to the math element

config: MathQuillConfig (updateable) - Apply a config to the element.


Triggers when the text is edited: on:edit={latex => ...}

Triggers when the enter key is pressed: on:enter={() => ...}

Direction Events (L(eft) | R(ight) | U(p) | D(own))

Triggers when the up arrow is pressed: on:upOutOf={() => ...}

Triggers when the down arrow is pressed: on:downOutOf={() => ...}

Triggers when the right / left arrows are pressed: on:moveOutOf={("L" | "R") => ...}

Triggers when the content is selected out of: on:selectOutOf={("L" | "R") => ...}

Triggers when the content is deleted: on:deleteOutOf={("L" | "R") => ...}

Triggers when any out of is triggered: on:outOf={("L" | "R" | "U" | "D") => ...}

Triggers when any out of is triggered WITHOUT deleteOutOf: on:outOfOnly={("L" | "R" | "U" | "D") => ...}


Focus the element: mathQuillElement.focus()

Unfocus the element: mathQuillElement.blur()

Refresh the element: mathQuillElement.reflow()

Select the current element:

Clear any active selection: mathQuillElement.clearSelection()

Mimic a keystroke (ex Shift-Left): mathQuillElement.keystroke(string)

Type Text: mathQuillElement.typedText(string)

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