svelte-cars-rent Svelte Themes

Svelte Cars Rent

This is my school project of responsive website written in Svelte with some PHP to handle MySQL database. The application is designed to allow the customer to rent a vehicle for a given date.

e-commerce car renting app

This is my school project of responsive website written in Svelte with some PHP to handle MySQL database. The application is designed to allow the customer to rent a vehicle for a given date. Submitted entries are queued and moderators can approve or reject them. Moderators are selected by the admin who oversees the entire portal. To style website I used TailwindCSS with nord theme and sweetalert2 for some nice alerts. The database is rather simple, I will try to export and place it in my backend directory. Admins password is 'admin'. For other users its 'lama1234'. Passwords are encrypted, and DB is secured against SQL injection. Temporary data is stored in PHP session.

Installing packages

Use npm installation command

npm install

Running app

To to run app use

npm run dev

You will also need xampp to run local MySQL server with Apache to handle PHP files.

Some screenshots to showcase website:

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