tictactoe-squared Svelte Themes

Tictactoe Squared

Hopefully an actually viable tictactoe game but in svelte this time....


Hopefully an actually viable tictactoe game but in svelte this time....


Imagine a standard game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Good.

Now I'm going to assume you know of Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. Imagine one such board.

In each square of the Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe board, place a standard Tic-Tac-Toe board. That is to say, this is Tic-Tac-Toe inside of Tic-Tac-Toe inside of Tic-Tac-Toe.

Add a bit of rule balancing, and there you go.

I've found it to be a simmilar level of complexity to play as chess.


Keep track of the last two moves by both players.

Just as in Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe, when you move within your limited area, the square you selected determines a limitation to the other player. Unlike Ultimate, it also directly determines a limitation to your next move.

  • The box selected in the innermost determines which square within a middle grid (IE: which innermost grid) your opponent may place within in their next turn.
  • The box selected in your last turn determines which middle grid (IE which square within the topmost grid) you will be limited to in this turn.
  • When you win a board of Tic-Tac-Toe, you may mark the whole board with your symbol, and consider the board won.
  • If a player is limited to place in a board that has been won, or is completly full, then they may place everywhere within the next region upwards.
    • Ex: An innermost board has been won or filled, and you are restricted to play only within that board. You may now play anwhere within the holding middle board.
    • Ex: A middle board has been won or filled, and you are restricted to this board. You may now place anywhere in the entire game.

Contributing and Development

Uses pnpm. I don't remember why anymore. Is it just lighter or something? Probabbly. npm is a bit bloated lately and yarn's become overcomplicated.


Uses parcel to build a svelte project. This allows me to use the best of both toolkits. No bugs so far 😈.

- Anakin and Chancellor Palpatine in Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith

Script source for this meme imsdb.com, image source KnowYourMeme

Parcel is told how to abuse a svelte project via parcel-transformer-svelte.

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