Foundation for create Chrome extension

Just clone and use ;o)

Chrome storages

There are three classes representing Chrome storages.

  1. ChromeLocalStorage Stores data only on the local device. They are not available on any other device.
  2. ChromeSyncStorage Data are syncs across user devices.
  3. ChromeInMemoryStorage Stores data in memory where it is available only while the application is running.


For direct interaction with the user. Field action in manifest.json.

Background worker

Worker running in the background and monitoring web processes. Field background in manifest.json.

Content script

Script manipulating the DOM of a web site. Field content_scripts in manifest.json.


Customise the behavior of an extension by providing an options page. Field options_ui in manifest.json.

Build on


✓ Base skeleton
✓ Chrome storages
✓ Popup
✓ Tailwind
✓ Base UI components
✓ Background worker
✓ WebSocket monitoring
✓ Content script
✓ Options

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