Lapis Svelte Themes


Foundation for webapp with API in Nette and client in Svelte



This project is the foundation for creating a web API application. It includes a backend written in PHP using packages from the Nette framework and a frontend implemented in Svelte and SvelteKit.

Structure of project

├── backend/
│    ├── app/            # server's application code
│    │    ├── Core/      # routing, model, security...
│    │    └── Endpoint/  # domains of handlers for endpoints
│    └── src/            # base server's code
├── frontend/
│    ├── app/            # client's application code
│    │    └── routes/    # pages of application
│    └── src/            # base client's code
├── static/              # static assets
├── www/                 # application's domain root
└── docker/              # settings for Docker's containers


For local development, Docker containers are prepared and composed using Docker Compose.

# building
docker compose build

# running
docker compose up -d



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