sveltestrap-problem Svelte Themes

Sveltestrap Problem

example of problem with sveltestrap and svelte-routing


svltestrap components don't want to play nicely with svelte-routing navigate function.

When implementating a scenario like:

on:click={() => navigate("/some-url")}

the script crashes with opaque message like:

19:55:56.734 TypeError: os is undefined

Replicating the problem

Clone the repo, install the deps and start the dev server ...

git clone
cd sveltestrap-problem
npm install
npm run dev

Follow the instructions on the home page and click on the yellow button to see the problem occuring.

Then stop the dev server, checkout the plain-bs4 branch and start the dev server again.

Follow the instructions on the home page and click on the GREEN button to see the NO problem occuring and the page navigation to the /hello url as expected.

NB1: This is because the button is a plain HTML button styled using BS4

NB2: Flip back to the master branch and uncomment the HTML button in the Home.svelte component and that too will fail. Smells like an event bubbling problem.

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