Monorepo Template

📋 Overview

A monorepo template for web application development using Bun. This template adopts a simplified clean architecture directory structure that eliminates anti-patterns. A Todo list is implemented as a usage example.

🛠️ Technology Stack

  • Frontend: SvelteKit + TailwindCSS
    • Svelte Runes for state management
    • CSS custom properties for theming (light/dark mode)
    • Modern UI components with interactive effects
  • Backend: Hono.js
  • Database: Turso + Drizzle ORM
  • Testing: Vitest, Playwright
  • Development Environment: Docker, Docker Compose, GitHub Actions
  • Others: TypeScript, Biome, Zod

🏗️ Architecture

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD): A development approach where tests are written before implementation
  • Domain-Driven Design (DDD): A design approach focused on the business domain
  • Practical Clean Architecture: An architecture that controls dependencies and enhances testability and maintainability
  • Theme System: A centralized theme system using CSS custom properties for consistent UI across light and dark modes

🚀 Project Structure

├── frontend/           # SvelteKit frontend
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── lib/          # Components and utilities
│   │   │   ├── components/ # UI components
│   │   ├── routes/       # Application routes
│   │   └── app.css       # Global styles and theme variables
├── backend/            # Hono.js backend
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── application/  # Application layer
│   │   ├── domain/       # Domain layer
│   │   ├── infrastructure/ # Infrastructure layer
│   │   └── presentation/ # Presentation layer
├── database/           # Database related
│   ├── schema/         # Drizzle ORM schema
│   ├── migrations/     # Migration files
├── shared/             # Shared code
├── tools/              # Development tools
├── docker/             # Docker configuration (planned)
└── workflows/          # CI/CD configuration (planned)


CI/CD Workflow Overview

format:code changes → lint → Unit Test → Integrated Test → E2E Test → Build → Deploy

GitHub Actions Workflows

プロジェクトは以下のGitHub Actionsワークフローを使用しています:

  1. 継続的インテグレーション/デプロイ

    • コード品質チェック(リントとフォーマット)
    • ユニットテスト実行(バックエンドとフロントエンド)
    • Dockerイメージビルド
    • デプロイ(設定時)
  2. エンドツーエンドテスト

    • Playwrightを使用したブラウザベースのE2Eテスト
    • テスト結果のアーティファクト保存

🐳 Docker環境


# Docker Composeを使用して全サービスを起動(Linux/macOS)
docker compose up

# Windowsでの実行(デバッグスクリプト付き)
bun run docker:dev:windows

# バックグラウンドで起動
docker compose up -d

# 特定のサービスのみ起動
docker compose up frontend backend

# ログを表示
docker compose logs -f

# 環境を停止
docker compose down


  • バックエンド: Hono.jsアプリケーションを実行するコンテナ (ポート3000)
  • フロントエンド: SvelteKitアプリケーションを実行するコンテナ (ポート5173)
  • データベース: ローカル開発用のSQLiteデータベースコンテナ



  1. Docker Desktopが正しくインストールされ、WSL2が有効になっていることを確認
  2. トラブルシューティング用のデバッグスクリプトを使用:bun run docker:debug
  3. 詳細な手順はCLAUDE.mdの「Windows環境でのDocker使用方法」セクションを参照


  • Docker Desktopが起動していない場合のエラー
  • WSL2の接続問題
  • ボリュームマウントの問題



🧪 Testing

The project includes a comprehensive test suite for both frontend and backend:

# Run all tests (backend and frontend)
bun run test:all

# Run only backend tests
bun run test:backend

# Run only frontend tests
bun run test:frontend

# Run E2E tests
bun run test:e2e

# Run tests with coverage
bun run test:coverage

Test Features

  • API Mocking: Frontend tests automatically mock API requests, eliminating the need to run the backend during testing
  • Component Testing: Tests for individual UI components using @testing-library/svelte
  • Backend Testing: Tests for API routes and controllers using Hono's testing utilities
  • E2E Testing: End-to-end tests using Playwright

Troubleshooting Tests

If tests fail with warnings about deprecated Svelte event handlers, ensure that:

  1. All on:event directives have been updated to Svelte 5's new onevent attribute format
  2. Components have proper accessibility attributes (tabindex, ARIA roles, keyboard handlers)
  3. The mocked API responses match the expected data structure

🏁 Getting Started



# Clone the repository
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-name>

# Install dependencies
bun install

Environment Setup

Create a .env file in the project root with the following variables:

# Backend server port

# API base URL

# Frontend URL (for CORS)

# Turso Database URL

Database Setup

# Run database migrations
cd database
bun run migrate

Starting the Development Server

# Start the frontend development server
cd frontend
bun run dev

# Start the backend development server
cd backend
bun run dev

# Or run everything from the root (requires Turbo)
bun run dev

API Usage

You can test the API using PowerShell:

# Get all todos
Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "http://localhost:3000/api/todos"

# Create a todo
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "http://localhost:3000/api/todos" -ContentType "application/json" -Body '{"title":"New task"}'

# Update a todo
Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri "http://localhost:3000/api/todos/{id}" -ContentType "application/json" -Body '{"completed":true}'

# Delete a todo
Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -Uri "http://localhost:3000/api/todos/{id}"

🎨 Theme System

The application uses a centralized theme system with CSS custom properties:

CSS Variables

:root {
  /* Light mode variables */
  --color-bg-primary: #f9fafb;
  --color-text-primary: #111827;
  /* ...other variables */

.dark {
  /* Dark mode variables */
  --color-bg-primary: #1e1e1e;
  --color-text-primary: #f9fafb;
  /* ...other variables */

Usage in Components

For standard styles:

<div class="bg-theme-primary text-theme-secondary"></div>

For hover effects (important):

<!-- Correct way to use theme variables with hover effects -->
<button class="hover:bg-[var(--color-bg-button-hover)]">Button</button>

📝 License


🚧 Development Status

This project is currently under active development. The following components are implemented:

  • ✅ Backend API (Hono.js)
  • ✅ Database layer (Turso + Drizzle)
  • ✅ Shared modules
  • ✅ Todo CRUD functionality
  • ✅ Database migrations
  • ✅ Frontend (SvelteKit + TailwindCSS)
    • ✅ Responsive UI with light/dark mode
    • ✅ Todo application implementation
    • ✅ Theme system with CSS custom properties

The following components are planned or in progress:

  • ⏳ CI/CD configuration
  • ⏳ Docker environment
  • ⏳ Authentication
  • ⏳ Comprehensive testing

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