
Svelte Tauri

Boilerplate for Tauri with Svelte. Comes with a script to configure typescript.

Create A Tauri + Svelte App

  1. Create a new Tauri + Svelte project using
  npx degit KlassyKat/svelte-tauri svelte-tauri
  cd svelte-tauri
  1. Edit the config.json and src-tauri/tauri.config.json files to configure your app.


Install the dependencies and start your Svelte development server:

cd svelte-tauri
npm run dev

In another console, start the Tauri development environment:

cd svelte-tauri
npm run tauri dev

You should see your Tauri app window display the Svelte "Hello World" app. This will take a while to happen the first time you do this, while dependencies are downloaded and built.


Tauri changes very quickly and this boilerplate does not always keep up with that. If you are set on svelte and you can't find anything else fixing this repo isn't too difficult. The easiest way is to use tauri's CLI to init a new vanilla tauri project, Then cross refernece with this boilerplate. The main culprits of breaking changes are package.json: tauri dependencies tauri.conf.json Cargo.toml

I welcome pull requests updating :smile:

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