Svelte FSM with Eventless Transition Support

A tiny, simple, expressive, pragmatic Finite State Machine (FSM) library, optimized for Svelte.

  • tiny: under 1kb (minified); zero dependencies
  • simple: implements core FSM features, not the kitchen sink
  • expressive: FSM constructs are mapped to core JavaScript features (see Usage Overview below)
  • pragmatic: prioritizes developer happiness over strict adherance to FSM or Statechart formalizations
  • Svelte-optimized: implements Svelte's store contract; philosophically aligned – feels at-home in a Svelte codebase

@kineticcafe/svelte-fsm-eventless is an extension to Ken Kunz's excellent svelte-fsm. The eventless transition support should be sufficient for most purposes, but it has only been tested for our purposes. You can watch kenkunz/svelte-fsm#10 for progress on the core implementation of eventless transitions. When svelte-fsm supports eventless transitions natively, we are likely to retire this library.

Quick Start


npm install @kineticcafe/svelte-fsm-eventless

Create your first FSM and use it in a Svelte component

  import fsm from '@kineticcafe/svelte-fsm-eventless';

  const simpleSwitch = fsm('off', {
    off: { toggle: 'on' },
    on: { toggle: 'off' }

<button value={$simpleSwitch} on:click={simpleSwitch.toggle}>

Usage Overview

Svelte FSM's API is delightfully simple. FSM constructs are intuitively mapped to core JavaScript language features, resulting in a highly expressive API that's effortless to remember, a joy to write, and natural to read.

  • an fsm is defined by calling the default export fsm() function with 2 arguments: initial and states
  • states is just an object consisting of nested state objects, which consist of…
    • transitions – property values or action return values that match another state
    • actions – functions that optionally transition (return a state)
  • events are invoked on a state machine as function calls, returning the resulting state
  • timers (often used in state machines) are available by calling .debounce(wait) on any event
  • context is just… context (i.e., the lexical scope of your fsm)

Next Steps

Svelte Summit video


This extension would not exist without the excellent base library by kenkunz.

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