routify-sveltefire Svelte Themes

Routify Sveltefire

Routify with Sveltefire for Firebase starter

Routify Sveltefire Starter

  • Routify (created with npx @roxi/routify init)
  • Changed npm to yarn since yarn's better
  • Installed sveltefire and firebase. Sveltefire is easy middleware for Firebase.
  • Put the default Sveltefire page in the index.svelte
  • Activated the Service Worker for Routify like this

I'm pretty sure this is the easiest way to make a web app with Firebase because:

  1. Svelte is the easiest JS framework that is actually quite performant
  2. Sveltefire is the easiest Firebase middleware I've ever used
  3. Routify is basically the only good router for Svelte since it uses static routing, can do SSR and prerendering, etc. The other routers for Svelte require a server (like Sapper) or use hash routing (bleh).

So yea here you go. Go code and enjoy :)


Cannot build SSR with Firebase Performance or Firebase Analytics because both require IndexedDB. I think there's a workaround but I haven't figured it out yet. If someone's willing to help out I would appreciate it.

The following is the README from the default routify starter!


Starter template for Routify.

Get started

Starter templates

Template Description
master Default template, includes examples folder
blog Generates a blog from local markdown posts. Includes mdsvex
auth Embedded login on protected pages. Includes Auth0

To use a template, run:

npx @sveltech/routify init


npx @sveltech/routify init --branch <branch-name>

The above commands will populate the current directory, they don't create a new one.

npm scripts

Syntax Description
dev Development (port 5000)
dev:nollup Development with crazy fast rebuilds (port 5000)
dev-dynamic Development with dynamic imports
build Build a bundled app with SSR + prerendering and dynamic imports
serve Run after a build to preview. Serves SPA on 5000 and SSR on 5005
deploy:* Deploy to netlify or now
export Create static pages from content in dist folder (used by npm run build)

SSR and pre-rendering

SSR and pre-rendering are included in the default build process.

npm run deploy:(now|netlify) will deploy the app with SSR and prerendering included.

To render async data, call the $ready() helper whenever your data is ready.

If $ready() is present, rendering will be delayed till the function has been called.

Otherwise it will be rendered instantly.

See src/pages/example/api/[showId].svelte for an example.


  • For SPA or SSR apps please make sure that url rewrite is enabled on the server.
  • For SPA redirect to __app.html.
  • For SSR redirect to the lambda function or express server.


For Typescript, we recommend @lamualfa excellent routify-ts

New project: npx routify-ts init <project-name> [routify-init-args]

Existing project: npx routify-ts convert [project-directory]


File on Github! See .

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