Starter Template: Rails + GraphQL + Svelte

This repo contains a starter template for a Rails+GraphQL API and SvelteKit frontend.



The backend is powered by Ruby on Rails, with a GraphQL API.

It includes a secure JWT & 2FA authentication system, and authorisation using Pundit.

It is pre-wired with ActionCable/SolidCable for Websockets, and ActiveJob/SolidQueue for Background Processing.

It uses RSpec and Capybara for feature tests, and Rubocop/Brakeman for code analysis/quality.

It contains a basic config for Github Actions.


The frontend is powered by SvelteKit, and compiled using Vite.

Routing is handled by SvelteKit, and API requests made using Apollo.

Styling is provided by Bootstrap, and websockets via ActionCableJS.

It uses Prettier and ESLint +plugins for code analysis/quality.

Frontend runtime via Bun. Dependencies managed by Yarn.


  • Clone Git Repo
  • Adjust config/database.yml
  • bundle install
  • yarn install
  • bin/rake db:setup
  • bin/rspec
  • overmind start (or foreman, hivemind, etc)
  • Open https://app.localhost

File Structure


The backend is powered by a standard Ruby on Rails app. The only exception is that Sprockets is not included for asset management and there are no Rails views templates. All HTML/CSS/JS compilation is handled by Vite.


When Vite runs, it clears the contents of /public, then takes the contents of /app/frontend and compiles them together into /public. The result is a frontend application that is embedded into a Ruby on Rails app for ease of development, whilst still being able to be extracted and deployed to a CDN for production. Frontend configs are managed via vite.config.js and svelte.config.js

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