Visit L'nturé

This is a website project created for BIT Web 1 in Semester two of 2023. It is a fictional travel website based around a fantasy country that I created.

All photos are from

Current features

  • Multiple pages of articles about various locations and topics for users to explore
  • CSS animated cards at the top of the article pages for ease of navigation
  • Pop out navigation bar at the top of the site for navigation purposes
  • Responsive design so that the website looks good at any width
  • Booking form auto fills package feild based on where the user came from
  • Functional carousel gallerys with content from the unsplash api

Planned/Future features

  • Non loreum ipsum content on the nature and culture pages
  • Booking form tells you the price based on packge and length of stay
  • Booking form reacting to submissions

Known Bugs

  • If the window is resized with the nav bar open, it becomes either weirdly proportional or unusable. This is due to how the responsiveness is implemented. Nav bar functions normally if opened and closed at any screen width. It also resets the broken state if you just push the button again
  • If you get too excited about the carousel gallery and spam click the buttons, it can cause the entire website to freeze and become uninteractable. I'm fairly certain chances of this happening is based on computer power
  • The Booking Form doesn't do anthing when submitted, this is less of a bug and more of a lack of functionality

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