FE-WUI Svelte Themes

Fe Wui

Web UI for management of Fatture Elettroniche (Svelte, TailwindCSS, DataTables)


Web user interface to manage custom views of Fatture Elettroniche (Agenzia delle Entrate)
Live demo: https://katowicer.github.io/FE-WUI/

Node Dependencies

[email protected] /home/hokkaido/devboxes/FE-WUI
├── @sveltejs/[email protected]
├── @tailwindcss/[email protected]
├── @tsconfig/[email protected]
├── @vincjo/[email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]


Accouting Type

The DataTables must be feeded with that the respect the Accouting type specification: see ./src/DataTable.svelte


The provided data must be an array of JSON objects (see examples in ./src/lib/data).

HTML and XML views

HTML and XML files must be located insed the XML and HTML folders in Vite's public directory

Development Environment

This project uses devbox to manage its development environment.

Install devbox:

curl -fsSL https://get.jetpack.io/devbox | bash

Start the devbox shell:

devbox shell

Run a script in the devbox environment:

devbox run <script>


Scripts are custom commands that can be run using this project's environment. This project has the following scripts:

Shell Init Hook

The Shell Init Hook is a script that runs whenever the devbox environment is instantiated. It runs on devbox shell and on devbox run.

test -z $DEVBOX_COREPACK_ENABLED || corepack enable --install-directory "/home/hokkaido/devboxes/FE-WUI/.devbox/virtenv/nodejs/corepack-bin/"
test -z $DEVBOX_COREPACK_ENABLED || export PATH="/home/hokkaido/devboxes/FE-WUI/.devbox/virtenv/nodejs/corepack-bin/:$PATH"
echo 'Welcome to devbox!' > /dev/null


Script Details

devbox run dev

npm run dev


Spin a docker container via the provided Dockerfile.
A devcontainer environmentin also provided.


Enable Direnv integration using the .envrc provieded

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