Image Gallery with Lightbox and Slideshow


This project is a responsive image gallery built with Svelte that features:

  • A lightbox for viewing images in a larger format.
  • Keyboard navigation (Next/Prev using arrow keys, Close with ESC key).
  • A slideshow mode that plays images in fullscreen automatically.


1. Image Grid with Thumbnails

  • Displays a collection of images.
  • Click on any thumbnail to open the lightbox.

2. Lightbox

  • Opens images in a larger view.
  • Keyboard Controls:
    • or to navigate between images.
    • Esc to close the lightbox.

3. Fullscreen Slideshow

  • Clicking the slideshow button starts an automatic fullscreen slideshow.
  • Images change every 3 seconds.
  • Clicking anywhere or pressing Esc closes the slideshow.


1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd image-gallery/sourcecode

2. Install Dependencies

npm install

3. Run the Development Server

npm run dev

4. Build Project

npm run build

Project available under sourcecode/public


  • Replace the hosturl in sourcecode/gallery.svelte with your image hosting url
  • Start the dev server and open the browser to view the gallery.

Future Enhancements

  • Add a pause/play button in slideshow mode.
  • Implement lazy loading for better performance.
  • Allow users to select images for a custom slideshow.
  • Add a hovering download button to each image


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.


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