inertia-deferred-props Svelte Themes

Inertia Deferred Props

Reproduce and fixes an error that occurs in the Deferred component from @inertiajs/react

Testing Deferred Props

Until the version being tested here (2.0.3), There is a problem with inertiajs/react Deferred component.

This repo contains a custom Deferred which fixes this issue by:

  1. memoizing keys (to avoid many changes to loaded state);
  2. setting loaded back to false everytime a navigation starts.

The Problem

The "/built-in" route uses the Inertia built-in Deferred component. By clicking on the button, it will perform a post request to a ping pong route (which only returns back). This is enough to trigger the error, as stated in this issue.

At "/custom", by clicking the button and nothing but the expected behavior from Deferred happens.

It looks like it only happens with the React Adapter. Svelte and Vue Deferred components seem to work just as expected.


To run this project, you'll need to have both Rust and Cargo installed. Then, follow the steps:

Copy the environment variables:

cp .env.example .env

In one terminal, type:

# install node modules and start the vite dev server
npm i && npm run dev

Start the application in another terminal:

cargo run

Switching between React, Vue and Svelte

Change the CLIENT key from your environment variables to svelte to enable Svelte template engine. Set it to vue and restart to enable Vue template engine. Remove it or change to react to use React as the template engine.

Restart the Actix Web server everytime you change this key, so that it recompiles the root template.

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