KB-agents-ui Svelte Themes

Kb Agents Ui

A repository for building a UI in Svelte with Tauri for controlling the OpenAI Agents SDK

KB Agents UI

A demonstration of the OpenAI Agents SDK with both Python backend and Svelte frontend interfaces. This project showcases how to build agentic AI applications with features like agent delegation, guardrails, and trace monitoring.

Project Structure

  • my_project/: Python implementation of the agents
  • ui/: Simple Tkinter UI for interacting with agents
  • svelte-project/: Modern web UI built with Svelte and Tailwind CSS
  • tests/: Test suite for the agent functionality


  • Agent Orchestration: Create multiple specialized agents that can collaborate
  • Agent Delegation: Triage agents can route queries to specialist agents
  • Guardrails: Input validation to ensure appropriate agent responses
  • Multiple UIs: Choose between simple Tkinter UI or modern Svelte frontend
  • Tracing: Monitor agent thought processes and delegation

Running the Project

Please refer to SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS.md for detailed installation and running instructions.

Quick Overview

  1. Python Backend

    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-api-key-here"
    python my_project/main.py
  2. Tkinter UI

    python ui/app.py
  3. Svelte Frontend

    cd svelte-project
    npm install
    npm run dev

Example Agents

The project includes several agent types:

  • Triage Agent: Routes questions to appropriate specialists
  • Math Tutor Agent: Answers mathematical questions
  • History Tutor Agent: Provides historical information
  • Guardrail Agent: Validates that queries are homework-related


Run the test suite with:

python -m pytest tests/



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