Kindergarten-Frontend-svelte-web Svelte Themes

Kindergarten Frontend Svelte Web

Setup steps

  1. Run the following command
npx auth secret
  1. This will generate an AUTH_SECRET inside the .env file, create a .env.local file and move the line with the secret over to it. While you're at it copy over the two ZITADEL_CLIENT_* lines over, you'll need them later.

  2. Install the project dependencies

yarn install
  1. Go to the SpringBoot project and start up the docker compose
docker compose up
  1. Come back here and start up caddy
sudo caddy run
  1. Add the domains to your /etc/hosts mail.kindergarten.test kindergarten.test zitadel.kindergarten.test db-web.kindergarten.test
  1. Follow Zitadel (zitadel.kindergarten.test) setup by logging in with the default account (

User: [email protected]

Password: Password1!

  1. Create Kindergarten project in zitadel (see next steps section in Zitadel)

  2. In that new project create a new application (first button inside the page)

  3. Name it Kindergarten Website, choose type Web, Authentication Method Code

  4. On the form that now appears: enable development mode, set the redirect URI to http://kindergarten.test/auth/callback/zitadel and the post logout URI to http://kindergarten.test

  5. Copy the ClientId and ClientSecret shown here over to the corresponding lines in the .env.local

  6. In the project's token settings activate User roles inside ID Token and User Info inside ID Token

  7. Go to Default Settings (top-right) -> SMTP Provider and add a Generic SMTP provider

  8. Use mailhog:1025 for the host and use whatever you want for the remaining fields (it doesn't matter) and click activate on the last step. You should see any email you trigger appear at mail.kindergarten.test

  9. Run the project

Running the application

  1. Ensure that in this project sudo caddy run and in the SpringBoot project docker compose up and the project itself are running

  2. Start the website

yarn run dev

Future improvements?

  • Simplify setup by using the official terraform provider

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