Unestablished Titles

Don't you want to be called "Lord" or "Lady"? Unestablished Titles makes that possible!

It is a free website to create "certificates" of your favorite form of address. Currently, supported "titles" are:

  • Lord
  • Lady
  • Sir
  • Dame
  • Master
  • Mistress

For couples, any two of these titles can be combined on one certificate.

How is this different from similar services?

Unestablished Titles has some major advantages over its competitors:

  • Free as in zero-cost: Most similar services charge you for receiving your certificate. Not so Unestablished Titles, it's completely free.
  • Privacy-friendly: As the certificates are generated in your browser and there is no database running in the background, you only need to enter what information you would like on your certificate (single or couple pack, title, name), while most similar services require your e-mail address and generate the certificates on their servers.
  • Completely humorous: Unlike some of its competitors, Unestablished Titles makes it clear in its content that it is a parody site, and you don't actually get a title, rather you request to be called by a special form of address.
  • No pseudo-ownership of land: Some of Unestablished Titles' competitors base their titles on a scheme of souvenir plots in Scotland, while you can, in fact, not legally own such small parcels of land. Unestablished Titles only gets you the certificate without the illusion of owning land for a stupidly high price, feeling like a scam.
  • Quick: Certificates are generated within seconds and can be downloaded directly. That makes them the ideal addition to a last-minute gift.
  • Free as in open-source: Most similar services don't allow you to look at what's going on under the hood. Unestablished Titles lets you look at the source code.

I hope that makes it clear why Unestablished Titles is the better option.

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