pura-tela Svelte Themes

Pura Tela

A minimalist solid colour wallpaper generator

Pura Tela

A minimalist wallpaper generator and a simple colour toolkit, created for the web.


This branch is a special snapshot of the early version (v1.0) of this app. For the latest version, check the main branch,


This is a spin-off/enhanced remake of Pura, a native Android app made with Flutter, which was delisted shortly before this project started.


  • Creating wallpapers with multiple styles and configurations
  • Starting curated gallery of colours and palettes
  • Saving of colours and palettes for future use
  • Dedicated palette generator
  • Size presets for multiple device form factors
  • Data persistence with localStorage
  • Generate palette with AI
  • Progressive Web App deployment


The project is deployed at pura.blue and pura-tela.vercel.app via Vercel.

Tech Stack

The application is made with a minimal stack, including SvelteKit 5 and TypeScript. No CSS preprocessor is used. Svelte Awesome Color Picker is used to supplement the user interface. Google AI SDK for JavaScript is used for interface with Gemini API.

Running locally

yarn && yarn dev


For bug reports, suggestions, and contributions, please open new issues.

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