project-W-frontend Svelte Themes

Project W Frontend

This is the frontend for the project W flask backend written in Svelte

Frontend for Project W

What is this?

This is the frontent/client for Project-W written in Svelte + Typescript. It is designed such that it entirely runs in the users browser, no server side code required (no node.js in production)! To learn more about Project W (including its frontend) and how to install or compile it, visit its documentation. Other components of Project W are the backend and the runner.

Can I fork this or write my own?

Of course, feel free! While all three components (frontend, backend, runner) are required to run a functioning Project W setup, they have been designed in a modular way so that they can be replaced, especially the frontend/client. Visit the documentation to learn about the backends API if you want to write your own client.

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