micro-frontends-divers Svelte Themes

Micro Frontends Divers

This is a demo to load vanilla HTML, React, Vue, Angular and Svelte frameworks/libraries in 1 single page (using Podium).

Micro-frontends with Podium

This is a demo to load vanilla HTML, React, Vue, Angular and Svelte frameworks/libraries in 1 single page (using Podium).

How to start

This application combines popular front-end libraries and frameworks in 1 page.

You can start the application by cloning the repository and run following commands:
npm run installAll
npm run startAll

(You will need NPM, Yarn, vue-cli (vue-cli-service), angular-cli (ng) to run this demo.) After everything is installed and fired up, start your favourite browser and go to http://localhost:7000

The command above will only work on Mac/Linux, so on Windows you'll have to go in each folder and start the process manually using the command: npm run podiumstart

Server side micro front-ends

This demo using Podium to handle the server side composition of the frameworks.
More info at https://podium-lib.io/

How does this demo work

Each framework or library has a podium.js file in its root folder.
This is the podium configuration to start the podlets.

You can use that file as a base for other podlets (of the same library or framework).

When you run "npm run startAll", each library/framework is build and the podlet is started.
At the end of the command, the base application is started.

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