
Why More

Extremely simple and small builder for svelte based pages.


The overview is simple:

  1. Call either why-more build or why-more dev and every svelte component in the top level of the src folder of your project is turned into a page in a dist folder

Thats the whole process. No multiple steps. No config files. Two dependencies.


Make your project folder

  1. npm init
  2. npm i --save why-more svelte
  3. "build": "why-more build [your_input_folder] [your_output_folder]" in your package.json scripts section
  4. "dev": "why-more dev [your_input_folder] [your_output_folder]" in your package.json scripts section
  5. Write svelte files in the input folder
  6. npm run dev or npm run build in your project
  7. Enjoy.

In dev

Its good enough for the build subcommand, the dev subcommand is something I'll be making later.


Why-More is just a cli(not global, make sure youre using script or npx) that builds svelte components, and provides a preview for them.

This is not intended to build websites, or pages that link into eachother. The use case is very quick simple tooling and documentation.


Imagine a file format for interactive documentation and tools that is completely self contained, runs on every platform with only one dependency that every OS has, totals about 200kb on the heavy end of use, and sub 100ms build times.

Compiling a single svelte component into a self contained html file fulfills all that. Simply import your css, images, svelte components and there is nothing between you and writing the most universal tooling.

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