ractive-to-svelte Svelte Themes

Ractive To Svelte

converts a bunch of syntax from ractive Ractive 1.2.0 to Svelte 3.16.0


Converts a bunch of syntax from Ractive 1.2.0 to Svelte 3.16.0

  • computed properties to reactive statements
  • data() to export let statements
  • onrender into OnMount, onteardown (and ondestruct...) into OnDestroy
  • oninit contents to global scope
  • other component methods moved to global scope
  • {{{...}}} to {@html ...}
  • {{ and }} to { and }
  • @shared to store
    • @shared.propName --> $propName
    • then create a file './stores/propName' that exports a writable store
    • and import the store
  • component <link> to import statements
    • we used ractive-component-loader which uses html <link> elments to import sub components
  • most on- event handler forms to valid svelte handlers
    • on-click="@.myMethod()" --> on:click={myMethod}
    • on-click="myEvent" --> on:click={myEvent} (assumes you'll convert your .on handler to a global function)
    • on-click="@.myMethod(some, stuff)" --> on:click={() => myMethod(some, stuff)}
    • doesn't handle the one like "on-click="['eventname'... we didn't use that syntax much...
  • fire to dispatch
    • it imports createEventDispatcher and creates one called dispatch
  • {{yield}} to <slot /> (handles named yields to named slots too
    • related: might also make it extract non-yield partials into sub-components too, but we don't have a ton of them, so we'll see...
  • misc other things...

For some things, it simply adds a todo comment:

  • each statement without an alias--svelte requires an alias
  • this.find -- use bind:this={myEl}
  • this.findComponent -- use bind:this={myComponent} and export the function you want to call from the sub component

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