svelte-backed-store Svelte Themes

Svelte Backed Store

Provides svelte stores backed by localStorage or sessionStorage.


Provides svelte stores backed by localStorage or sessionStorage.

Getting Started (the easy way)

Install the package...

npm install svelte-backed-store

...and import the polyfill in your stores.js...

import "svelte-backed-store/polyfill";

...and use the store method on localStorage or sessionStorage:

export const myStore ="myKey", "myInitialValue");

Getting Started (the slightly harder way)

Install the package...

npm install svelte-backed-store

...and import it in your stores.js...

import { backedStore } from "svelte-backed-store";

...then bind backedStore to any Storage instance (e.g. localStorage or sessionStorage)...

const localStore = backedStore.bind(localStorage);

...and use the store:

export const myStore = localStore("myKey", "myInitialValue");

For use in Sapper

When using the polyfill version, it includes a simple Storage polyfill for localStorage and sessionStorage on the server-side.

As such, it should work just fine in any Sapper project.

Without the polyfill version, you can use Storage exported from this project to create a localStorage/sessionStorage for the server-side.

import { globals } from "svelte/internal";
import { Storage, backedStore } from "svelte-backed-store";

if (typeof localStorage === "undefined") {
    globals.localStorage = new Storage();
const localStore = backedStore.bind(globals.localStorage);

export const myStore = localStore("myKey", "myInitialValue");

Readonly stores

To create a readonly store call toReadOnly.

import "svelte-backed-store/polyfill";
import { toReadOnly } from "svelte-backed-store";
export const myStore = toReadOnly("myKey", "myInitialValue"));


This project is very simple, but pull requests and issue reports are welcome.



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