
Svelte Course

Udemy - Svelte.js - The Complete Guide -course project


Udemy - Svelte.js - The Complete Guide -course project


clone the repo and cd to project folder

    $ npm install

Create a Firebase project with realtime database and add env.js -file with following markup, to the root directory of the Svelte project.

Replace the <YOUR_FIREBASE_PROJECT_DATABASE_URL_HERE> with your Firebase Database Url.

const environment = {

export default environment;

This file can be used to also store other constants, although be aware that they will be visible in the bundle.js -file as a plain text.


   $ npm run dev

Running this command may end up crashing the terminal (at least in Windows 10) if the default port is already in use.

If so, replace next line in your projects rollup.config.js -file

!production && livereload('public'),

with this line.

!production && livereload({ watch: 'public', port: 5002 }),

Choose a port number that works for you.

The default address for development server is http://localhost:5000

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