
Sveltekit Api

Handles all kinds of SvelteKit data flows in one place, and automatically generate OpenAPI documentation.


Handles all kinds of SvelteKit data flows in one place, and automatically generate OpenAPI documentation.


  • API: Manage API endpoints and automatically generate OpenAPI documentation
  • load2api: Transform a server-side load function into an API endpoint
  • tree: Build a tree of endpoint routes


pnpm i -D sveltekit-api

Projects using SvelteKit-API

These projects are using SvelteKit-API and can be used as examples:

  • WASM OJ Wonderland: A SvelteKit-based online judge system core.
  • PEA: A serverless email authentication and verification service.
  • Add your project here by submitting a pull request!



Add $api to your svelte.config.js:

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
  kit: {
    alias: {
      "$api": "./src/api",

Create the API endpoints in the structure like src/api.

// for example:
├── api
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── post
│       ├── GET.ts
│       ├── POST.ts
│       ├── []
│       │   └── GET.ts
│       └── search
│           └── GET.ts
├── lib
│   └── ...
└── routes
    └── ...
// file: src/api/index.ts
import { API } from "sveltekit-api";

export default new API(import.meta.glob("./**/*.ts"), {
  openapi: "3.0.0",
  info: {
    title: "Simple Post API",
    version: "1.0.0",
    description: "An example API",
// file: src/api/post/[]/PUT.ts
import { Endpoint, z, error } from "sveltekit-api";
import { posts, type Post } from "../../db.js";

export const Query = z.object({
  password: z.string().optional(),

export const Param = z.object({
  id: z.string(),

export const Input = z.object({
  title: z.string(),
  content: z.string(),
  author: z.string(),

export const Output = z.object({
  id: z.string(),
  title: z.string(),
  content: z.string(),
  author: z.string(),
  date: z.string(),
}) satisfies z.ZodSchema<Post>;

export const Error = {
  404: error(404, "Post not found"),
  403: error(403, "Forbidden"),

export default new Endpoint({ Param, Query, Input, Output, Error }).handle(async (param) => {
  const post = posts.get(;

  if (!post) {
    throw Error[404];

  if (post.password && post.password !== param.password) {
    throw Error[403];

  post.title = param.title;
  post.content = param.content; =;

  return post;

Call the API handler and OpenAPI generator in your routes like src/routes/api.

// file: src/routes/+server.ts
import api from "$api";
import { json } from "@sveltejs/kit";

export const prerender = true;

export const GET = async (evt) => json(await api.openapi(evt));
// file: src/routes/api/post/+server.ts
import api from "$api";

export const GET = async (evt) => api.handle(evt);
export const POST = async (evt) => api.handle(evt);
export const OPTIONS = async (evt) => api.handle(evt);


Transforms a server-side load function into an API endpoint in a single line.

// file: src/routes/api/problem/[]/+server.ts
import { load2api } from "sveltekit-api";
import { load } from "$routes/problem/[]/+page.server";

export const GET = async (evt) => load2api("/problem/[]", load, evt);


Build a self-explanatory tree of API endpoints.

import { tree } from "sveltekit-api";
import { json } from "@sveltejs/kit";

export const prerender = true;

export const GET = async () => {
  return json(await tree(import.meta.glob("./**/*/+server.ts")));

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