microscriptllc-website-svelte Svelte Themes

Microscriptllc Website Svelte

My personal portfolio website rebuilt for the 3rd time in SvelteKit

Portfolio Website

This is the company website for MicroScript LLC www.microscriptllc.com

The Stack


npm i
npm run dev

Turso Database

Get db url and add to .env VITE_TURSO_DB_URL

turso db show ${DB_NAME}

Generate db access token and add to .env VITE_TURSO_DB_AUTH_TOKEN

turso db tokens create ${DB_NAME}


npm run drizzle:generate


npm run drizzle:migrate

MidJourney Prompts Used

Astronaut on pricing page

a mascot logo of an astronaut with visor floating in space, simple, vector --no shading detail --no realistic shading

Top categories

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