modular-form-svelte Svelte Themes

Modular Form Svelte

A modular HTML form component created with Svelte

MultiForm Svelte Component

How to use:

  • Drag and drop the MultiForm.svelte into your project where you store your components.
  • Import into the page you want it to appear on (import MultiForm from '../path/to/component') and include it in your markup using the following syntax <MultiForm />


  • To edit the core properties of the form you do so by providing a formOptions object to the Modular Form. <MultiFormMultiForm bind:formOptions={formOptions} />

  • To apply custom styles a formStyles object must be provided to the Modular Form. <MultiForm bind:formStyles={formStyles} />

  • When the form is submitted a custom formSubmitted event is dispatched from the Modular Form. This event passes through an array of the names and values of each of the inputs inside the form.<MultiForm on:formSubmitted={formSubmitted} />

FormOptions Object Structure

    formTitle: "",
    formItems: [], 
    submitButtonText: ""

Form Items are specified in the following format

    type: 'type of input',
    name: 'name of input (optional but recommended)'
    label: 'label for input (optional)',
    placeholder: 'placeholder for input (optional)',
    isRequired: true/false '(optional)'

NOTE: If no name is specified the input will be given a name that follows the following convention. 'form-item-(input-type or text)-(index of the input in the formItems array inside formOptions)'


There are 4 different sections of the form you can style, these include the form container, form title, form inputs, and the form submit button. The following is the structure of the formStyles object.

NOTE: All values must be strings! Also any property that isn't provided will fallback to default styling

    container: {
        width: "22rem",
        padding: "1em 2em",
        margin: "1rem 0",
        gap: "1rem",
        borderColor: "grey",
        borderWidth: "1px",
        borderStyle: "solid",
        borderRadius: "10px",
        backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5",
        fontFamily: "'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif"
        fontSize: "32pt",
        margin: "0.4rem auto",
        padding: "0",
        fontWeight: "bold",
    fontColor: "black",
        textDecoration: "none",
        width: "22rem",
        height: "3rem",
        padding: "0.4em 0 0.4 1.4em",
        margin: "0rem",
        gap: "0.6rem",
        fontSize: '14pt',
    fontColor: "black",
        borderColor: "grey",
        borderWidth: "1px",
        borderStyle: "solid",
        borderRadius: "10px",
        backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5",
        hoverBackgroundColor: "#dbdbdb",
        focusBorderColor: '#0022c9',
        transition: 'border-color ease-in-out 200ms, background-color ease-in-out 200ms, outline ease-in-out 200ms',
            fontSize: '14pt',
            fontWeight: 'normal',
            textDecoration: 'none',
            fontColor: "black",
        width: "10rem",
        height: "3rem",
        padding: "0",
        margin: "0 auto",
        fontSize: "16pt",
    fontColor: "black",
        textAlign: "center",
        borderColor: "grey",
        borderWidth: "1px",
        borderStyle: "solid",
        borderRadius: "10px",
        backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
        hoverBackgroundColor: "#dbdbdb",
        transition: 'border-color ease-in-out 200ms, background-color ease-in-out 200ms, outline ease-in-out 200ms'

Handling Form Submission

When the form is submitted a formSubmitted event is called, passed with this event are the values of the form in the format of an array of object. Each input value object is setup as follow, [{name: 'input-name', value: 'input-value'}, ...]

To access these values you need to access the detail property on the event object.


const formSubmitted = (event)=>{
    const formData = event.detail;

Form Slots

You are able to further customize the form by taking advantage of the slots provided. There are 4 slots included inside the form, 2 on the outside of the form container on the top and bottom, and 3 inside the form container, 1 between the title and first input, 1 between the last input and submit button and 1 between the submit button and the bottom of the form. The naming of theses slots are as follows, form-outter-(top/bottom)-slot, and form-inner-(top)-slot, form-inner-bottom-slot, and form-inner-bottom-slot-two. The structure of the element inside your markup would look like the following with all slots included.

    <div slot="form-outter-top-slot">

    <div slot="form-inner-top-slot">

    <div slot="form-inner-bottom-slot">

    <div slot="form-inner-bottom-slot-two">

    <div slot="form-outter-bottom-slot">

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