svelte-number-displayer Svelte Themes

Svelte Number Displayer

Display animated number easily with Svelte


Display animated number easily with Svelte.


import Displayer from "svelte-number-displayer";

<Displayer value={20} timing={40} />


  • value: the end value
  • timing: the duration of the animation
  • defaultValue: the start value (default 0)
  • showTimer: log the time of the animation
  • fnRound: the rounding function
  • easing: the easing function the change the linearity of the animation

Other components

import { DisplayerTweened } from "svelte-number-displayer";
import Displayer from "svelte-number-displayer";

<!-- it use the requestAnimationFrame function -->
<Displayer value={20} timing={40} />

<!-- it use the svelte tweened function -->
<DisplayerTweened value={20} timing={40} />


Licensed under the MIT License - LICENSE

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