sveltekit-server-sent-events Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Server Sent Events

SvelteKit Server-Sent Events (SSE) Library

A lightweight wrapper for handling Server-Sent Events (SSE) in SvelteKit, simplifying real-time communication between the server and clients.


  • Simple API for SSE integration in SvelteKit
  • Automatic reconnection options
  • Event-based communication for notifications and real-time updates


npm install svkit-server-sent-events


1. Client-Side Connection

Import and initialize the SSE client in your Svelte component:

import SSEClient from 'svkit-server-sent-events';

const sseClient = new SSEClient('/notifications', {
    reconnectOptions: {
        interval: 1000,
        delay: 1000

sseClient.on('notification', ({ data }) => {
    const notification = JSON.parse(data);

sseClient.onerror = () => {
    console.error('Error connecting to the server');

2. Available Client Options

The SSEClient constructor accepts the following options:

new SSEClient(url: string, options?: {
    withCredentials?: boolean;
    reconnectOptions?: {
        interval: number;
        delay: number;
    manualConnection?: boolean;
  • withCredentials: Whether to send cookies and authentication headers.
  • reconnectOptions: Controls automatic reconnection.
  • manualConnection: If true, prevents auto-connection; connect() must be called manually.

3. Server-Side Implementation

Create an SSE connection in your SvelteKit server route:

import { SSEConnection } from 'svkit-server-sent-events';
import { randomUUID } from 'crypto';

const sseConnection = new SSEConnection<string>();

export async function GET({ request }) {
    const clientId = randomUUID();

    sseConnection.onConnect = (id) => {
        console.log(`Successfully connected: ${id}`);
        sseConnection.emit(id, "connected", "Welcome!");
        sseConnection.broadcast("new_connection", "New client connected");
        sseConnection.emitMultiple(["randomId1", "randomId2"], "new_connection", "New client connected");

    sseConnection.onDisconnect = (id) => {
        console.log(`Client ${id} disconnected`);

    return sseConnection.createStream(clientId, request);

4. Server-Side API

  • emit(id, eventName, data): Sends an event to a specific client.
  • broadcast(eventName, data): Sends an event to all connected clients.
  • emitMultiple(ids, eventName, data): Sends an event to multiple clients.


sseConnection.emit(userId, "notification", "New message received");
sseConnection.broadcast("global_update", "A global event occurred");
sseConnection.emitMultiple(["user1", "user2"], "special_event", "VIP access granted");


MIT License

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