citationJS-sveltekit-demo Svelte Themes

Citationjs Sveltekit Demo

A purposefully simple demo of using Citation JS in SvelteKit app.

Citation JS example using Sveltekit

A super simple example of how to use Citation-JS in SvelteKit

To run locally

Uses pnpm.

You'll need NodeJS and npm installed. If you don't already have pnpm installed you can either install it globally on your machine by running

npm i -g pnpm

or simply appending npx to the beginning of the following commands.

Once cloned to your local machine, install all the dependencies with

pnpm i

from within the repo's root directory (or npx pnpm i if you don't want to install pnpm... but you should 😉).

To start the development server run:

pnpm dev

You can then access the local development server at http://localhost:3000/

If you have something else running on port 3000 locally you can change the port by starting the server with (for instance, port 8989):

pnpm dev -- --port=8989


If you have any issues please create a new issue in the github repo's issue tracker.

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