
Random Folder

Random Folder is an app that pick a random subfolder inside of a folder 📁🔀

Random Folder 📁

Random Folder is an lightweight and blazingly fast app that pick a random subfolder inside of a main folder.


This app was made thanks to Wails which is a lightweight alternative to Electron with golang as a BackEnd and Any WebFrameworks for the FrontEnd.

I've used svelte for the FrontEnd

PS: Actually this is the 2nd version of this app; the first one was made with the framework tauri (which is the rust equivalent of wails) and preact; I choose to remake it because the 1st version (tauri) is not compiling anymore (maybe due to the fact that it's an old version, that in the meantime I switched of from window to linux, that I don't even have the same machine anymore; maybe...) and I only have the windows executable (I'm on linux now...) The first version can be found in the branches of this repo: tauri-old


[DISCLAIMER]:: This app is not production ready and will never be, it's just a side project of mine to test the so called "wails" framework

🪟 If you have linux you can download the app binary in the realease page of this repo

To Install this app you will have to bundle it yourself (since it was not design to be installed)

Before installing this app, be sure to install the Wails's dependencies for you OS

  1. Clone this repo into you local machine: git clone https://github.com/Ilingu/random-folder.git
  2. Run wails build, further instruction
    1. if you have an error and on windows you might want to install NSIS (idk I'm not on windows; just helping)
  3. Run the binary (in build/bin)
  4. Done!

PS: if you want to change my code you can run: wails dev to launch the app in dev mode

Purpose and motivation

The idea of this app come from a very specific problem that I encounter in a daily basis. So to automate this problem I build this app (logic 🪄)

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