My-Portfolio Svelte Themes

My Portfolio

A portfolio website built with Svelte and PyScript, hosted on GitHub. Showcasing my skills, projects, and achievements in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner. Easy to set up locally and deploy on GitHub Pages. Open for contributions under the MIT License.

Portfolio Website

This is my portfolio website built using Svelte and PyScript, and hosted as a static website on GitHub. It showcases my skills, projects, and achievements.

Table of Contents


This portfolio website serves as a showcase for my work and provides information about my skills, experience, and projects. It is designed to highlight my achievements and provide a platform for potential employers, clients, or collaborators to learn more about me and my work.


  • Home Page: Provides a brief introduction and overview of my skills and expertise.
  • Projects: Showcases my projects with descriptions, images, and links to GitHub repositories or live demos.
  • Skills: Highlights the programming languages, frameworks, and technologies I am proficient in.
  • Contact: Offers a convenient way for visitors to get in touch with me.


The portfolio website is built using the following technologies:

  • Svelte: A modern JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.
  • PyScript: A tool that transpiles Python code into JavaScript, allowing the use of Python in web development.
  • GitHub: The hosting platform used to store and serve the static website.

Getting Started

To run the portfolio website locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: Start by cloning this repository to your local machine using the following command:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the necessary dependencies by running the following command:
    cd My-Portfolio
    npm install
  3. Start the development server: Launch the development server with hot-reloading using the following command:
    npm run dev
    The website should now be accessible at http://localhost:5137 in your web browser.


To deploy the portfolio website as a static site on GitHub Pages, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new repository: Create a new repository on GitHub with a name like
  2. Build the website: Generate the optimized build of the website by running the following command:
    npm run build
    This will generate a public directory containing the optimized static assets.
  3. Commit and push: Commit the changes to your local repository and push them to the remote repository on GitHub.
  4. Configure GitHub Pages: In the settings of your GitHub repository, navigate to the GitHub Pages section and choose the main branch as the source for GitHub Pages. Save the settings.
  5. Access the deployed website: After a few moments, your portfolio website should be accessible at

To-Do List

In this section, I outline the upcoming improvements and features for this project. Your contributions and suggestions are always welcome!

  1. Remove dependency of Tailwind CSS

    • Refactor the codebase to eliminate the use of Tailwind CSS, replacing it with custom CSS classes or a more lightweight framework.
  2. Remove useless dependencies in general

    • Audit the project's dependencies and remove any unnecessary or unused packages to optimize performance and reduce bundle size.
  3. Fix all colors and make everything into store variables

    • Consolidate color definitions throughout the project, using centralized variables stored in a single file, making it easier to maintain and update.
  4. Make the project more dynamic

    • Introduce dynamic components and modularization, making it easier to extend the project's features and functionality.
  5. Make everything changeable in a file

    • Consolidate all configuration options and settings in a single, easily editable file, allowing users to modify the appearance and behavior of the project by editing this file.
  6. Make everything changeable through the website

    • Develop a user-friendly web interface that allows users to customize the project's settings and appearance directly from the browser. After customizing, the user should be able to download the updated configuration file to be uploaded along with their portfolio.

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