
Norm Macdonald Quotes

A website to honour the late and great Norm Macdonald by spreading his words to the world

🎤 Norm Macdonald Quotes

A website to honor the late and great Norm Macdonald by spreading his words to the world.

📝 Description

Norm Macdonald Quotes is a simple, mobile friendly online quote generation site. When the "Quote Me" button is pressed a random quote from Norm MacDonald will be displayed.

The motivation for the website was to learn about Svelte and to honor a comedian who has made me laugh even at my lowest points. The website is hosted using Vercel, built in SvelteKit and designed in Figma.

🧱 Project Structure

The project consists of 4 key visual components, a single public API and a JSON file of Norm Macdonald quotes which together enable the site to function.

The core of the project is found within src/routes/index.svelte which composes the 4 key visual components to produce the site shown in the screenshot at the top of this readme.

As the key components are relatively simple their descriptions are shown below:

  • src/lib/NormFace/NormFace.svelete - This component renders a square picture of Norm Macdonalds face and allows it to be flipped horizontally via a prop.
  • src/lib/QuoteBox.svelete - This component takes a quote represented as a string prop and displays it in a styled box
  • src/lib/QuoteButton.svelete - This component is a simple button which takes a function as a prop which is then called when the button is clicked
  • src/lib/QuoteForm.svelete - This component composes both the QuoteButton and QuoteBox along with a function call to a Quote API to generate Norm Quotes and render them to the screen. The composition of these elements is described visually below:


The quotes API is found within src/routes/quote.js and consists of a single endpoint which can be accessed by a GET request to

The endpoint utilizes the JSON array of Norm Macdonald quotes found in src/lib/data/quotes.json to produce a random quote. If a random quote is found then a 200 HTTP code will be returned and the quote delivered in the response body in the format:

{ "quote": "a random quote" }

If no quote was found then a 500 HTTP code will be returned and an empty response body.

🔧 Usage

After cloning this git repository, make sure to have node installed and then navigate to the root of the project and run the commands:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run dev

🌅 Future Improvements

  • Make the headline "Norm Macdonald" swap between different languages
  • Think about supporting different languages from within the application
  • Think about allowing users to enter a phone number or email and be sent a quote
  • Think about further SEO optimizations

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